DRAMA OF THE GIFTED GROWNUP, the documentary based on the one-woman show written and performed by NYC artist and Billboard Award-winning singer/songwriter Rosalinde Block bursts with reality and humor—a baby-boomer parable for the ages. “Rozie” grew up in St. Louis, where she’d pick out Gershwin tunes on the piano, serenading her parents and their friends with Ella Fitzgerald hits in a husky little voice. Realizing she had no interest in being a classical virtuoso, her mother relented: "Play the piano at parties, it'll make you popular." Her story picks up as she waves her Sarah Lawrence College diploma and embarks on a 40-plus-year journey through the 1970s and 80s hard-knocks music scene. With the biggest names in the business popping up at every turn, Rosalinde takes on life in an unstoppable quest for success. Her entree into the music business encompasses recording her first demos at CBS to working in over 150 piano bars. Fast forward to marriage, divorce and single-parenthood as Rosalinde’s career funnels into writing and illustrating children's books, where even landing a top agent doesn't detour her from Catch-22 moments ("You're a fresh, new voice. But you're an unknown.") Finding herself the sudden caregiver for her dying ex-husband and survival-guide for her son through his fatherless teens, all forward motion is relegated to the back burner. And as her 11th hour of life comes and goes on a daily basis, it suddenly occurs to her: "What would happen if nothing ever happened?"
What do you do when you know you have something to give? When the notion of giving up is unfathomable? When your conviction is so deep that even after decades of false starts, rejections and unavoidable detours—a.k.a. life—there is nothing to deter a dream that is truly meant to be?